Photograph 100 Sunrises and 100 Sunsets

This is part of my 40 Before 40 Challenge.

I’ve been getting more into photography over the last year or two – not in a serious way, just taking more care when taking photos and actively trying to look for photo opportunities. Starting this blog helped actually because I needed images to complement my weekly updates from Bolivia. And obviously visiting some incredible places has helped too!

One thing I’ve learnt is that I’m a sucker for sunrise and sunset. I often make a special effort to seek them out when I’m on holiday, getting up at stupid o’clock and even running somewhere to get a good view. I suppose it’s understandable not to do this so much at “home”, especially when you’re (typically) in a full-time working routine, but I’ve tried to do better this year.

Which brings me to my challenge: I want 100 sunrises and 100 sunsets. I’ve got 8 years (roughly 100 months) to get some good ones and I have some in the bank already – I’ll do an inventory soon and maybe set up some sort of gallery.

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